Denver Water ALSLR (Accelerated Lead Service Line Replacement)
Denver, Colorado
Denver, Colorado
Denver Water’s ALSLR project involved replacement of existing lead water service lines between the main lines and individual properties, both commercial and residential, in Denver Water’s primary customer base.
This project included the investigation of existing materials used in the service line by inspection of the line entering the property inside, and potholing outside to verify as needed. Those containing any lead or galvanized material will be replaced. Replaced means installation of a new saddle and corporation stop at the main, a new curb stop, meter and meter pit in the tree lawn area, and new pipe between those items and continuing into the property to the first shut off. Restoration of property and street thereafter. Reynolds successfully replaced 22,000 LF of ¾” and 1” copper pipeline, for a total of 340 lines replaced.
Contract Amount:
Notice to Proceed:
January 2020
Est. Completion Date:
December 10, 2020
Owner Contact Info:
Denver Water
Engineer Contact Info:
If we seem a little unique for a construction company, we’ll take it as a compliment. We’d love to talk about what it be like to work together, the way we both want to.